Wednesday, April 13, 2016

DSE AP TET 2014-15 Notification Arunachal Pradesh TET Form,Exam Date | Fresh Sarkari Job

Secondary Grade Teacher, Language Pandit in schools for Blind/Deaf and Dumb (Special Schools) 09/05/2015 10.00 AM to 01.00 PM– including 15 minutes for reading question paper). Junior Teacher (English) – 02 posts 2. or Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and passed or appearing in final year of 2-year Diploma in Education (Special Education).

How to download Arunachal Pradesh TET Answer key. Uttar Pradesh TET Exam consists of the following subjects for paper-I:. @Marrry - Please to check APTET 2016 Result January 18, 2016, 6:21 am Nabam Bida lost password I have lost my password, its humble request please resend my password in my register ID no

. Our Food - Different types of food, storage of grains and vegetables, storage of food, Food – animal husbandry, Nutrients of food, deficiency diseases
SubjectsNo.of QuestionsNo.of Marks
Child Development and Pedagogy30 MCQs30 Marks
Language I ( compulsory )30 MCQs30 Marks
Language II ( compulsory )30 MCQs30 Marks
Mathematics30 MCQs30 Marks
Environmental Studies30 MCQs30 Marks
Total150 MCQs150 Marks

We wish all the best for all the applicants for the result.

Other information like syllabus, exam pattern and eligibility criteria are given below.. (i) Child Development & Pedagogy (compulsory)30 MCQs30 Marks(ii) Language I (compulsory)30 MCQs30 Marks(iii) Language II (compulsory)30 MCQs30 Marks(iv)(a) For Mathematics and Science teacher: Mathematics and Science.

Junior Teacher (Humanities) – 03 posts 4.

Mode of Application: Offline.

Situated further North than Dwaraka and the earth rotates from West to East. For candidates seeking admission under rural quota, the parents will also have to submit an affidavit to the effect that the child is studying in an Institute located in a notified rural area and that they are residing in a notified rural area


About one minute may be needed to answer each question.

Jobs in Arunachal Pradesh Arunachal Pradesh GK Current Affairs 2016 APTET Current Status: Arunachal Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test Current status is = Continue.

Which one of the following states produces about 50 per cent of the total silk textiles in India ?.

Arunachal Pradesh TET Application Form 2015. should give weightage to the TET scores in the recruitment process; however, qualifying the TET would not confer a right on any person for recruitment/employment as it is only one of the eligibility criteria for.

Rational Numbers; definition, four fundamental operations; properties of numbers (N, W, Z and Q), Square, Square root, Cube, Cube root, and factorization..

Tags : sample papers 2016 download,syllabus,admit card,arunachal pradesh tet,arunachal pradesh tet results,model paper,,answer key,tet exam,pstet

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